How I prefer to be contacted
Before you message me please read the outlines down at the bottom in order to know in which cases I probably won’t respond. Use the contact details below for reaching out.
Email: [email protected]
An easy way to reach out is contacting me per email. Usually I respond pretty quickly to genuine requests per email. PGP Keys for this email address may be found at my Keybase profile.
On Keybase you may find identity proofs for this website. In case you prefer to encrypt emails, there are verified PGP keys for email encryption as well.
XMPP: [email protected]
For XMPP communications I registered for an account at However not a lot of people interact with me over XMPP, so it might take a longer amount of time for me to respond.
For personal contacts I am reachable via Signal. The contact details for Signal are not for the general public though, as I don’t like to be called by some stranger in the middle of the night.
My background is covered on LinkedIn. If you’ve met me in person or worked with me you may send me a connection request there. I won’t accept connection requests from people I don’t recognize or know good enough to call a professional contact.
Xing: Pascal Weidenhammer
Alongside LinkedIn I’ve got a Xing profile, because Xing is as of 2022 still more popular than LinkedIn in the DACH region. In case you prefer Xing over LinkedIn, reach out there.
What I may not respond to:
- Messages which don’t look like they need a response or do not have a concise subject
What I won’t respond to:
- You may not guest-post on this webpage
- No, I won’t link to your [insert special thing you want to share here]
- I won’t promote your product on this page
- Asking “May I ask you a question?” is already a question and doesn’t make me respond “Of course, I have no clue what your question is but please ask”
inspired by Troy Hunt’s contact outlines